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Let's Talk Men's Mental Health

I would say that 98% of the people that reach out to me through this platform and who share their story identify as women. While I cannot relate on a male level, I know how many men feel left behind in the mental health space.  Here are just some few (maybe surprising to you) statistics about men's mental health:

1) Over 6 million men suffer from depression per year, but male depression often goes undiagnosed.

2) More than 3 million men in the U.S. have panic disorder, agoraphobia, or any other phobia.

3) In 2022, the CDC reported 49,449 s**cide deaths in the U.S. 39,255 of those were men.

4) Though men account for about 10% of patients with an eating disorder, they are less likely to seek professional help.

I encourage you to check on your friends, speak out, and don't be afraid to ask for help. 





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